Friday, 1 January 2010

Have a Happy New (Oh) Yeah!!

Well, if Christmas didn't bring you all you wanted, let Sophistishapes make sure you start 2010 off on the right foot with Kane and Belle, two of Sophia's best offerings yet.

Kane, as you can see, is just luscious - lovely muscle definition and form without being a hulking lumpy body builder, striking eyes, a beautiful strong chin and such kissable lips.  I'm pretty sure if you look up 'hot guy' in the SL dictionary, you'll find a pic of Kane *right* there.

Belle's another stunner from Sophistishapes - I *must* admit she hasn't managed to shift me from my addiction to Maria, but I HAVE met someone wearing Belle in SL, and she is gorgeous.  I love Sophia's attention to detail with all her shapes, and Belle is another example of just how well she does her magic.

It's not just the effort in the shapes though - it's also how she manages to absolutely make the most from each skin she ties them in with - everytime there's a new release, I find it hard to find anything that could really be improved - as a stylist, her work is just incredible.  This is also reflected in the recent news of Sophistishapes collaboration with Belleza - Tricky has been doing incredible things with skins and now Sophia is creating wonderful alternate shapes to work with them.  When you find two names both of whom are at the top of their fields working together, amazing things happen.

Talon Faire has also produced a range of eyelashes that are pre-fitted to your favourite Sophistishapes shape - forget all the mucking around making a prim fit properly, these babies fit first time, every time, and give you the long, lush look you've been craving.  I have, in my time in Second Life, got quite good at editing where things sit, but I've gotta say it's worth *every* linden cent to be able to just put 'em straight on.

So, here we are... it's two thousand and ten... twenty ten??  The 'Tenties??  The Ten's?? hmmmmm, what ever you call it, it's a new year - maybe it's time for a new look, too - guys, girls, come on down to Sophistishapes, Sophia has something for everyone.

Click here to TP right into the store, take a browse through all the range.

Till next time,



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